Wednesday, June 29, 2011

HTML(live Traffic feed & live Traffic Map) untuk blog

1. Go to Your Blogger Dashboard.
2. Select the Layout of the Blog.

3. Click Into Page Element Tab.

4. Click Add a Gadget.

5. Click ADD TO BLOG for HTML/Javascript.

6. Then Copy the HTML code of the Widget!

7. At last Click into SAVE Button and the SAVE TEMPLATE.

>Semua dilakukan Sekarang Anda memiliki alat untuk melacak pengunjung Anda datang dari di lokasi  bijaksana dan juga jika Anda ingin kemudian peta bijaksana.
All done Now you have a tool for tracking your visitor come from in location wise and also if you want then map wise.

1. Cody The Code Below For ( Live Traffic Feed )

<script type="text/javascript"
href="">Feedjit Live Blog
2. Copy The Code Below For ( Live Traffic Map )

<script type="text/javascript" src=";tc=494949&amp;brd1=336699&amp;lnk=494949&amp;hc=336699&amp;dot=FF0000"></script><noscript><a href="">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript>

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